This was a little tricky, so I thought I should share my way to do it:
- Migrate or shut down all guest systems on the host
- Put the host to maintenance
- Take notice of the dvSwitch configuration
- Disconnect the host from vCenter
- Log in directly to the host
- Add standard (vSwitches) with correct VLANs but don’t assign adapters
- Remove dvSwitches (you will now be disconnected from host)
- Log in to DCUI
- Configure Network: Network adapters – make the correct one active
- Configure Network: IP Configuration – insert your “old” IP from dvSwitch, add netmask and GW
- Log in directly to the host again
- The adapter will probably be in standby now, so just add another random network adapter, make that one standby and remove it again. It looks sexier now 🙂
- In vCenter – remove the host from the dvSwitch – or it will try to create it again.
- Reconnect the host in vCenter
- Exit maintenance mode
- You are now up and running with a “migrated” Management network.
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