Move Management from dvSwitch to vSwitch vSphere6

This was a little tricky, so I thought I should share my way to do it:

  1. Migrate or shut down all guest systems on the host
  2. Put the host to maintenance
  3. Take notice of the dvSwitch configuration
  4. Disconnect the host from vCenter
  5. Log in directly to the host
  6. Add standard (vSwitches) with correct VLANs but don’t assign adapters
  7. Remove dvSwitches (you will now be disconnected from host)
  8. Log in to DCUI
  9. Configure Network: Network adapters – make the correct one active
  10. Configure Network: IP Configuration – insert your “old” IP from dvSwitch, add netmask and GW
  11. Log in directly to the host again
  12. The adapter will probably be in standby now, so just add another random network adapter, make that one standby and remove it again. It looks sexier now 🙂
  13. In vCenter – remove the host from the dvSwitch – or it will try to create it again.
  14. Reconnect the host in vCenter
  15. Exit maintenance mode
  16. You are now up and running with a “migrated” Management network.
